[MittleiderMethodGardening] Recreate the garden in the picture


Where can i find plans on putting spigots at the end of each row (mittleider group picture) ? Just starting the planning stages for a 1 acre garden. Planning harvest the rain from the garage .

AndrewC and Group:

The plans for automating your watering system are in the Files section of this Group website. They are also available on the Foundation's website - click on Books, then on The Mittleider Gardening Course. On the left side of the page you'll find Chapter 16, which is those plans.

However, let's consider what you're trying to do here: A single 30'-long bed requires 15-20 gallons of water per day in warm weather. 254 of those make a 1 acre garden. That amounts to 3,800 - 5,000 gallons per day. How practical is the idea of using rain water from your garage to water the garden?

Unless you have substantial water, and the time to devote your full-time efforts to gardening, along with helpers, I recommend you start that garden with 1/10th of an acre. Do THAT much correctly and you can produce as much as a full acre would if using traditional methods.

Jim Kennard

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