[MittleiderMethodGardening] Care of Winter Squash


The crook is a summer squash and I don't think that will last very long if
not taken care of during its season. The butternut is a winter squash. The
Encyclopedia of Country Living says this about winter squash, "leave winter
squash or pumpkins out in the garden until after the first frost or longer,
but don't let them freeze. Cut the stems about 1" from the vine nad let cure
in the field for a few days. Then bring them into the warmest room in your
house for a few days. This will harden the skin, but handle carfully
because you can bruise the squash and it can't heal those like it would a
scratch on its skin. Then they can be stored but shouldn't touch each
other. I have a basement so that is where mine will go. We had banana
squash last yr. and I just brought them in and put them in the basement to
start with and they did fine. In fact I still have one that we need to get

Nancy, Minersville, UT

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