[MittleiderMethodGardening] Rain, Rain, Rain WOW!! & Bugs (?) eating the Chard


We got more than 7" of rain yesterday and it has been raining steadily all night
so we have probably had another 3". the plants are still alive and not
underwater although I think they will soon be too wet if this does not pass over
us and go on. Nothing like getting 1/4 of your annual rainfall in a day. when I
went to the vegetable garden this am all the chard had been eaten to the stalks
in the night by some bugs (?? or maybe something larger - JK). what a disappointment as it was just big enough to
pick for salad. at least the stems are still there and little leaves so it will
grow back. The garden out front is perky and the grass is heavenly green over

Dianne Koehler
Austin, TX zone 8b

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