[MittleiderMethodGardening] Re: Storage Wheat - Unless you have gluten intolerance


When grain dries on the stalk, it forms a natural protective coating called
phytic acid. This protects it from critters, and also inhibits enzyme
activity (so that it doesn't start growing in your basement), and binds up
vitamins and minerals until planting time. Phytic acid is not good for the
body, and can be completely eliminated by soaking your grain in water for
7-12 hours, then draining and rinsing well.

Soaking and even minimal sprouting (you can hardly see any "tails" yet) your
grains before using them increases the nutritional value of it. For example,
dry wheat does not contain any vitamin C, but does after soaking and
sprouting. Sprouting also increases phytoestrogen content by 30,000% (300
times!) -- important for hormonally regulated body processes and emotional

These are just a few examples of the benefits of soaking and sprouting
grains. Many people who have gluten sensitivities are able to use grains
when prepared this way. A great free ebook by Traci Sellers called
Health Principles<http://www.bestfoodist.com/TracisTransformationalKitchen/tabid/72/Default.aspx>"
can be downloaded from her

Hope this helps!


Jill and Addison Kirk

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