[MittleiderMethodGardening] Food dehydrators


Hi Bryan & group -
I've had a long-time experience with the round, bottom-heated type dehydrator like the one at Harbor Freight until I lost it in a move.  I needed to rotate the trays often and the trays are not adjustable, so I couldn't dry my walnuts.  The Excalibur offers greater temp control and you can omit racks as desired, so you can dry unusually sized items like walnuts or ferment yogurt - another bonus in my book.
I would recommend the 9 rack as the most practical unless you will dry a smaller amount of food, or space is an issue.  I just purchased the 9 rack from Excalibur - they are offering a number of specials thru the end of Sept.
Good luck, Bryan!  If you haven't dried foods before, it's an opportunity to be creative; but then I like to play with food.

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