[MittleiderMethodGardening] DEHYDRATOR


Bernard and group,
I have a Nesco American Harvest dehydrator. Five round trays. I
dehydrate tomato slices and also squash slices. The five trays will dehydrate in
about 15 hours. My dehydrator has a fan located in the top (lid) of the
It was cheap. I think around $60.00 and got it at Wal mart but I don't
think they carry them anymore. I would imagine Amazon. com has various name

My previous dehydrator did not have a fan and if you put too many trays
on, yes, you get mold, big time. So, I would never buy a dehydrator without
a fan.

All of the above being said. I would never, and I mean never, bag my
dehydrated foods and place them on a shelf. It is too risky for my liking.
If you don't get all of the moisture out of each piece of veggie that you
have dried----mold big time. So, I merely bag in Freezer Bags and pop them
into the freezer.

The tomato slices are good to eat as chips, crumbled into soups, chili,
spaghetti sauce and they thicken the pot. Crumble the dehydrated tomatoes
onto salads when winter winds are blowing and tomatoes from the store taste
like cardboard. Also the squash is good for soups.

I give the dehydrated tomato slices as gifts for Christmas. Put them into
a nice jar, just before giving, top with Christmas paper and a ribbon and
a nice note telling the receiver to keep the jar in the freezer and to do
it promptly upon receiving the jar. That is how paranoid I am.

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