[MittleiderMethodGardening] Bugs (?) eating the Chard


i agree "somethng bigger", Jim! Here in WI we'd say deer right off, but in Texas it could be their long-eared rodent population, too...either the bunnies or the deer were likely driven from their usual more brushy browse by the rain, perhaps even flooded out, and found a real blessing when they sought higher ground and happened upon your garden...my money's on the deer, though. Doesn't it just warm your heart to know you gave comfort in the storm?!?!LOL!! and yes, with even teeny leafsprouts the chard will grow back...

I am chuckling, but do sympathize...the crows pulled out 137 broccoli transplants the morning after i planted... and two brussels sprouts. Apparently they tasted the brussels sprouts and decided they preferred the broccoli. They actually consumed some, but some were clearly yanked on just for fun, or weren't as sweet (i had three varieties in). Reminded me of raccoons in the corn! I was able to save about half the plants and they have not disturbed them again. An-nd we have been blessed with a season that allowed my later transplants to nearly catch up. I sure had some unkind thoughts about the crows that morning, but almost immediately thereafter transferred all my venom to the earwigs. What a bug-year this has been!


----- Original Message -----
From: Di Koehler
To: PlantsandFlowers@yahoogroups.com ; MittleiderMethodGardening@yahoogroups.com ; TheVeggiePatch@yahoogroups.com ; limitedgardeners@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 8:19 AM
Subject: [MittleiderMethodGardening] Rain, Rain, Rain WOW!! & Bugs (?) eating the Chard

We got more than 7" of rain yesterday and it has been raining steadily all night
so we have probably had another 3". the plants are still alive and not
underwater although I think they will soon be too wet if this does not pass over
us and go on. Nothing like getting 1/4 of your annual rainfall in a day. when I
went to the vegetable garden this am all the chard had been eaten to the stalks
in the night by some bugs (?? or maybe something larger - JK). what a disappointment as it was just big enough to
pick for salad. at least the stems are still there and little leaves so it will
grow back. The garden out front is perky and the grass is heavenly green over

Dianne Koehler
Austin, TX zone 8b

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