[MittleiderMethodGardening] Switching to Mittleider Fertilizer after planting.


Hi group-

I have a friend who has already finished planting her garden, and after our long discussion yesterday, wants to switch over and start using the Mittleider Magic. Where do you suggest she starts since she has already planted everything? I think she said she so far worked lots of coffee grounds into the soil, and then used miracle grow when she transplanted her seedlings.

Also, she wasn't too excited about my big soggy bucket of minerals... :) She wanted to know if there was any way to prevent the "weeping" that the mixture has? I didn't know what to tell her...

Thank you!

April & Group:

The soggy fertilizer can be prevented by adding 1# of Perlite to each 60# of Weekly Feed fertilizer. Also, the propensity to get wet will be greatly reduced if you can find another source of magnesium other than Epsom Salts. Epsom Salts are MgSO4.7H2O, which means the compound has 7 parts water for each part magnesium. It is only 10% magnesium. You CAN find - in Farm Supply stores magnesium in other forms, such as magnesium oxide and magnesium sucrate, both of which have a MUCH higher % of magnesium, and far LESS water.

The problem with finding or buying those is that sellers usually want to sell them in 50# bags.

In that regard, I recommend as many as possible of you seriously consider buying in groups AND buying for AT LEAST 2 or 3 years. This exonomy is only going to get worse, and your garden will soon need to feed YOU AND your neighbors!

For your neighbor, tell her to begin the Weekly Feed regimen one week after feeding the miracle gro

Jim Kennard

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