[MittleiderMethodGardening] Question about planting Spaghetti Squash in the middle of a bed of tomatoes


Hi there!
I have a bed 4x12 with tomatoes that are grown vertically. However, this year I'm wondering about the possibility of putting a few spaghetti squash in the center of the tomato beds to make better use of the space. Can anyone tell me why this would be a bad idea?

Thanks so much!

April & Group:

Hopefully you have the tomatoes growing in two rows, each about 12" in from the outside edge of the box.

Putting spaghetti squash - or anything else - in the center of the bed only assures that the squash will NOT do well, because it will NOT get sufficient sunlight. AND the tomatoes may very well suffer as well - for light, water, and nutrition.

Furthermore, the two in such close proximity will increase the likelihood of disease taking hold in either or both of the crops.


Jim Kennard

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