[Organic_Gardening] Re: Topsy Turvy thoughts


I tried them...not impressed at all. I did them two years ago used buckets instead of the twenty dollar a piece bags. I see they've come down since then but still wouldn't bother again. The whole idea is great except no one told the tomato...it grows up, around the bucket, and up towards the roof. I turned them into global buckets instead, had better luck and they're easier to bring in when there is a threat of frost. I only tried tomatoes I don't know what something vining would do....hmmmm I still have the hooks in place.....hmmmm wonder how zucchini would do......or gourds....oooohhhh this has potential. It may not work for tomatoes but why not have another kick at the cat as it were. I never thought of cukes...one way to avoid cutworms too...potential potential...thanks gang love it when an idea gets reworked....
cheers and happy gardening.

> Thanks to everyone's thoughts on the Topsy Turvy idea. I appreciate the making your own comments. Our weather has been very helter skelter with the wind storms, continous rain and fluctuating temperatures. Going to hold off on any decision until the weather cooperates.
> -
> >
> > I've never used a topsy turvy before but I've been tempted. I've heard that you can also use it for strawberries, squash and cucumbers. Any thoughts or experience with the topsy turvy would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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