Do you see problems with your garden plants, but you don't know the cause - OR the cure?
We've got the answers, and this important document will help you find the solution fast! Why? Because the common problems (usually lack of nutrition) are listed together for each vegetable variety. Let me give you an example. Suppose your tomatoes are not looking right, and you love tomatoes, but you have no idea what could be wrong, or how to fix it. Check this out!
Boron - Cotyledons (first or seed leaf) and true leaves of young plants turn purple; terminal shoots curl upward and die; blossom end rot of fruit.
Calcium - Terminal flowers die; plants are weak and flabby; roots are brown; blossom end of fruit rots.
Copper - Growth of shoots severely stunted; very poor root growth; foliage dark bluish- green color; flowers fail to form; chlorosis (loss of normal color) appears on leaves.
Magnesium - Older leaves show interveinal chlorosis and necrosis (death of leaf); leaf margins turn up; stems are slender.
Manganese - Sometimes growth severely stunted; leaves near terminal bud are small, rolled forward; dark-brown spots appear along leaf veins.
Nitrogen - Growth upright; lower leaves turn yellow and die; young leaves pale green color turning to yellow; stems are thin and weak; fruit set is poor.
Phosphorus - Poor foliage; undersides of leaves purple color; purple blotches on older leaves, leaves tend to roll up; weak slender stems.
Potassium - Leaves scorch along margins, later become necrotic; stems are thin; fruit is ill- shaped; fruit ripens unevenly
Zinc - Slow early growth; leaves thicken; leaves tend to curl downward.
Wouldn't it be great to have a single document that has this information laid out for you BY PLANT VARIETY for all your vegetable plants, so you can find it fast?! And the corrective treatments are listed at the front alphabetically by nutrient (Boron, Calcium, etc.)
Well, I have been working on this for several months, and it's about ready. Right now and for the next two weeks, everyone who orders the Schedule of Deficiency Symptoms and Corrective Treatments here (it's the 3rd option under FORMAT) will receive it TWICE, first in the format it has always been in, and within the next few days you will also receive the NEW, EXPANDED AND IMPROVED EDITION, with all of the deficiency symptoms listed in order of plant variety alphabetically.
Of course you may want to get the complete 3-volume set of The Garden Doctor books, with upwards of 800 color photographs showing deficiency symptoms of all 13 plant nutrients that man can provide, along with the corrective treatments for each deficiency. These are an absolute treasure of knowledge that can be found nowhere else. But the Garden Doctor books do cost $49.95 plus shipping, and for only 12% of that cost you can get a wealth of answers to your pressing "what's wrong" questions. I recommend you do it now, while there is still time to assure you have a healthy and productive garden!
This is the year home gardens may save some lives! Let's make them the best they can be. :)
Jim Kennard
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