Don't have room for a garden? The growing season is past and you don't have TIME to grow a garden? Or with the budget squeezed because of Covid-19 layoffs, etc. you can't find the money to do a proper garden? But your family is needing fresh food! What can you do if the stores are not a guaranteed long-term option for you.
A really good inexpensive, healthy, and viable option is a kitchen garden - literally! You can grow sprouts and microgreens, including wheat-grass and several other things year-round right on your kitchen counter-top, and they are tremendously nutritious.
In the garden it takes weeks even to grow a radish or some leaf lettuce. It takes 2-3 months to grow a carrot or a beet, and a tomato takes even linger., but in 4 or 5 days you can start eating broccoli, alfalfa, clover, radish, and other vegetables as sprouts.
Sunflower seeds, which are thought by most people to be just for birds, make wonderfully large microgreens for smoothies, salads, and sandwiches. And wheat-grass, which is the least expensive and easiest of all micro-greens to grow, is ready in a little over a week, and provides a powerhouse of nutrients and chlorophyll.
It just takes seeds, a little water and a few days for seeds that you will eat as sprouts, and a little growing medium such as sawdust & sand for things you want to grow a little longer to eat as micro-greens, such as wheat-grass and sunflower microgreens. And because you're not fighting the weather you can count on a sure harvest - right through the winter.
I recommend you go to a place like and buy some sprouting (alfalfa, broccoli, etc.) and micro-green seeds like the sunflower seeds. And prepare to use them this year - they can keep you healthy very inexpensively when stores are not available.
And recognize that wheat is the best of all seeds to have, because it is very inexpensive, can be eaten whole, cracked, barely sprouted, or ground up as cereal, it can be made into bread, and it can be eaten as sprouts or micro-greens, and the nutrition is off the charts on all of these things! Wheat is best purchased in 5 gallon buckets, much less costly than buying it at a seed company.
Get these things NOW, and start learning to grow and use them in your daily diets. Your body and your pocket book will both thank you!
Jim Kennard
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