[MittleiderMethodGardening] corn for next year!!!


Hi all! ... I'm already planning ahead for next year... CORN is the topic! This year's corn was a disappointment...maybe I planted it too late (1st of July), or maybe not enough sun? Anyway, lots of it fell over, or even the standing corn is not too sweet, or plump...and to makes matters worse: my mother-in-law who lives next door on the other side of our combined garden is from INDIANA! She KNOWS corn!! ;)

I would like ideas for UNtreated, NON-GMO seed for the Sweetest Corn you have ever planted! Shorter plants and shorter growing season would also be a plus...

Any suggestions? I'm desperate!!! :O lol! (Breeder's Choice (Burpee catalog) is my favorite - JK)

Thanks so much for your ideas!
Blessings, Carmen in zone 9

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