Re: [MittleiderMethodGardening] RE: BEAVERS


One spring the rabbits ate the bark off my 3 year old fruit trees. Ringed
them so they died. The ones that were left I put chicken wire around, close
to the trunks. Thought they were safe. Winter came and went and in the
spring I went out to inspect my trees and--they were ringed too! I had put
the wire too close to the trunks and as the snow piled up, they just stood
on top of the snow and ate above the wire.

When I replanted I made sure I immediately put wire around the trees, far
enough away so that they couldn't stand on the snow, reach over and eat the


-------Original Message-------

We put chicken wire around the bottoms of the tree, all the way around and 3
to 4 feet up. It works for us.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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