[MittleiderMethodGardening] Urban Chickens & Chicken Tractor


City after city is enacting "chicken ordinances" wherein they allow 3-5 chickens per household, (no roosters, obviously). Fresh eggs (and meat if you're into that) and bug control....it's a no-lose package. In one area town there was balking to enact it because they feared it would open the door to goats and then sheep and maybe even cattle! It was pointed out that they already allow rabbits and unless they want to ban those....whereupon all the 4-H 'ers and kids with Fair projects joined the fray in favor of the chicken rule. Since the municipality can charge a fee for registering the chickens they make out at least even...animal nuisance and neglect calls are WAY below those for dogs and cats, and it's a great means to teach youngsters responsibility as chicken chores can be done by even young children...way too little of that kind of learning going on in this wi-fi digitalized electronic babysitter world these days....
We are just about to enact our chicken ordinances here..and i can't WAIT...have designed and redesigned my chicken tractor several times over now....thinking i will build a couple of different ones and show them at the craft fair and farm markets in the Spring after the rules are passed.

AS to the squash bugs, perhaps sprinkle generous amounts of Diatomaceous Earth in the beds where the bugs are, wait 24-48 hours and then plant your greens.
Good luck!!


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