[MittleiderMethodGardening] Storage Wheat - Place to buy that ships


Hi Everyone,
I'm not much of a poster on this site...Mostly because I've only been able to do container gardening in the past couple of years and am just making plans for the rest.
Anyway, I've been researching the food storage/food shortage thing for a couple of months and have found (what I believe) to be the best price vs quality available. The centers, though great for many, aren't an option for me as the closest one is over 100 miles from home.
Honeyville Grain has a deal on shipping $4.49 for any size. I don't know if that's going to be an ongoing thing or it's just a special though.
They also have a quantity buy on grain. Hard Red Wheat 10-50 pound bags or more and it's $39.12 per bag. You can buy in smaller quantities but the price is higher, but still under $1 per pound.
Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers and cheap totes from the discount chain stores are all the remaining items that are needed to finish off this project.
There are videos and instructional type items for storing it all over the web.
Some people think I'm nuts. Some even laugh (aka: The UPS driver upon delivery)...but I'd rather be safe than sorry in any case.
On another note concerning this same subject...Fresh ground wheat bread (apposed to white flour-homemade bread, has 10 times the amino acids and several hundred more times the protein.) Though I know little about the processing on white flour and other such items, I do know none are good and any chemical process that we ingest is just one more nail in the coffin.
I hope this helps someone who's interested in being safer & healthier.
PS: Concerning the totes...I found 18 gallon totes on "school special" at one of the major discount chains for $4 each. They do not have locking lids but will stack. Duct tape will be doing the rest of me...and providing a spot to label the contents :)


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