[MittleiderMethodGardening] RE: Hoarding


It is interesting to me to see people using the word hoarding, as if storing
food for lean times is a bad thing. For anyone out there who sees it that
way, I am curious as to what they are doing that is wrong. Assume for a
minute they are selfish and don't intend to share if there is some disaster.
Do we all know that natural disasters occur and that they are happening with
increasing frequency? What are we doing individually to provide for
ourselves and our families? Who is it that is supposed to be responsible
for me and for my family? The government? Red Cross? Some other relief
agency? Shouldn't I take responsibility for myself and my family? In the
story of the grasshopper and the ant, should the ants go out and find every
lazy, improvident grasshopper there and feed them until everyone starves
before winter is over? If your neighbor is wisely storing food for a winter
day, or a layoff at work, or a natural or other disaster, is he depriving
you of food while doing it? I don't understand the animosity toward someone
putting away food. Do you feel the same way about someone with a savings
account at the bank? I don't know who this person is hurting. And if they
are not selfish, he may save your life one day as well, even though he
forwent buying the boat or whatever else you spent your money on. In the
bible, the story of Joseph tells of his storing grain during the fat years.
When the famine came, he sold wheat to Egypt's neighbors. Was he wrong to
do that? Were his neighbors angry that he kept them alive through his
foresight and prudence? If you want to store food yourself, like your
neighbor, shouldn't you be able to? If you don't want to, how does it harm
you that he does? Somebody please explain this to me, because I just don't
get it. I store food, and if my stake president asks me to bring in every
grain to the stake for distribution, I am prepared to do it. Can I feed
everyone in my neighborhood or the city? Of course not. Do I want to see
anyone starve? Never. Even as I have been warned, I warn my neighbor, but
if the time comes, I can't feed them all and am not going to watch my
children starve to death if I can help it. We all have to make choices. I
choose to follow good advice and I choose my children and family over my
neighbors. If that makes me a bad person or not a Christian in your mind,
then so be it. But I believe it's up to me to take responsibility for
myself and my family, and my responsibility to warn you to do the same.
Then we all get to live with the consequences of our decisions. I am not
judging you, please allow me the same courtesy. Bernard Bailey, hopefully a
disciple of Christ

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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