[Organic_Gardening] Recommend Fruit Book?


Hi All,

I got a grafted apple tree (4 varieties of apples on one tree) and another fruit tree last year. So far, so good. I plan to get a couple (or maybe three?) fruit trees this year, as well as some fruit-bearing bushes.

Currently protecting my three blueberry bushes in my (heated) garage until it's warm enough to plant them outside without frost damage. The blueberries actually *have berries on them right now* and I'm in Zone 5 in MI so they're crazy-early and it breaks my heart to think about removing those berries --- even tho' I know that I prolly should to help the plants to grow - instead of sending their energy into fruit production. Ugh! Decisions... decisions.

Anyway, as a result of my new interest in growing fruits I'm asking for suggestions from you experienced folks on a good book that covers everything about caring for fruits - both trees and shrubs.

Last weekend I drove an hour (in a premium-fueled car no less!)for a presentation on fruit care. It was wonderful but I also know that I need good books and/or good websites to round out my education on caring for fruiting trees and shrubs. I'll be waiting and watching for all suggestions on this topic. Thanks in advance! Happy Gardening!
Linda Ludwick
Zone 5 in central Michigan

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