[Organic_Gardening] blueberry bush problems


We are in north Florida - one hour west of Jacksonville- our blueberries produced wonderfully last year - for the first time. This year a couple of them have no berries and have stayed small. Others grew and are covered but one in particular is, I think, dead and don't know why - when things started moving along in spring it only had a few leaves on one branch but got covered with TONS of berries - then never grew any new leaves. Now all the berries are shriveling up. Is this a disease? Can't find anything anywhere that describes this. Second year for plums and bugs have apparently gotten all of them and think they are now getting the peaches, also in it's second year. This is SO disgusting. Friends who spray get tons of fruit - we work like mad and get disappointment. Apples always rot with bitter rot no matter what we do and now I think bugs are getting them before they get big enough for the rot. Husband has sprayed organic things on the trees to no avail. I am starting to wish we had never started this! There is a woman near here that has a U-pick organic orchard with various fruit. An article on her had an email - I wrote just to ask how she keeps the bitter rot off the apples but she didn't answer. We aren't trying to compete with her - just raise some fruit for ourselves and perhaps to give to friends that can't afford much. Would love to know what she does - or anyone in this hot, humid thing they call climate that is trying to grow fruit. All our varieties are recommended for the area, fertilized regularly, watered regularly - just a lot of disappointment.

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